Weak Bladder Blues


24 hr on call and I'll kill patients

Wow. I have almost no recollection of posting that last night. I wasn't even drinking.


it's called sleep, ever heard of it?

I'd bitch about the hematology test I took this (yesterday, technically?) morning, but I'm just too F'ing tired.

When I came home tonight I took my books out of my backpack and put them in the laundry hamper.

Have you checked out Dr. Shock's blog yet? The link is right over there -->

I ate almost a pound of peanut M&Ms after dinner tonight.

I've been catching glimpses of ghost cats out of the corner of my eyes all night. I wish the ghost dogs would chase them away, I'm allergic to ghosts.

I recently bought a guitar and have been practicing every day at least 30 min, usually an hour. It's fortunate that I'm good at science. I'm pretty sure that in the history of the universe, no being has ever sucked so magnificently as I do at anything that has ever existed that can be sucked at.

I'm pretty sure this post shiofhjl lkjds;'/................................................................................................................................................................................................