more dreams
OK, yes, it's been another month. Thanks Joe for giving me the "business" about not posting. I am drunk. Drink, Drank, Drunk. That's for you lovers of Latin. I'm sitting on my bed, eating a loaf of peanut buttered fresh baked bread. In the Bronx there are many bakeries that produce all the bread that NYC eats tomorrow. The one near us lets people come in late night and purchase fresh bread for almost nothing. Tonight I bought 2 loaves for $2. Anywhere else it would be at least $5 a loaf.
So what's been up. Anatomy is done. We finished that class last Friday. So is our little 8-month-long molecular biology/biochemistry class. Good riddance. I liked anatomy a lot. I am continuing on doing some anatomy research with our Prof, who was on CBS's Primetime tonight. He's a big deal in the anatomy circles.
One would think that I would have a myriad of crazy stories to tell about med school. It's just not that exciting. Sorry.
I did catch a friend of mine elbows-deep in a bowling alley toilet the night before last. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the people who care for your health and welfare, in their past, have dug deep into the "Worst Toilet in Scotland."
Oh yeah, last night I stayed in and went to bet at 10:30 PM. I dreamed that my upper dentition had rotated 90 degrees. When I smiled, my right-side molars showed out the front where my incisor teeth used to. That's kind of a bad feeling, and you can't whistle for shit when that happens.