Weak Bladder Blues


"Update your blog ya lazy bum"

Not much time...

1. Two exams this week
2. Saw the sunrise on two consecutive days with no intervening sleep.
3. Apparently everyone has inborn "freaking" talents that can be unleashed by 6 to 8 ridiculously overpriced Heinekens in a Manhattan club.
4. If you scrounge through campus conference rooms long enough, you will find leftover faculty meeting food that is free for the taking.
5. Hukas have become popular with the college kids, yet they are still as rank as they were when I was in college.
6. Living with furniture is better than living without it.
7. There are no good bike routes in The Bronx.
8. Giorgi is not a top shelf brand of Vodka.
9. In order to sneak Giorgi into a club, you need to stash it next to your taint.
10. New Yorkers take security very very seriously.
11. New Jersey really does smell like it looks.
12. One of the best restaurants here is a Chinese/Mexican take out place.
13. All the roaches in the Chinese/Mexican place mix up their L's with their R's
14. Sickle cell anemia is one bitch of a disease. I'm glad I don't have it.
15. The Bronx tap water is actually better than the bottled water they sell here.
16. My roommate, Dr. Shock, may be able to out-drink The Big Nasty.
17. The Big Nasty can out-drink almost anyone I know.
18. My Mom can out-drink both of them.
19. I can eat watermelon using just my face faster than anyone else at my med school.
20. It's fun to watch baseball from the 3rd row off 3rd base, even if you are at RFK Stadium.

That pretty much sums up my life here in the past 3 weeks.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger Joe said...

You rawk, dude.

Study hard, and best of luck with the loaches in your enchirrada.

(Do the Chinese/Mexican roaches roll the mispronounced "r's"?

That could be like looking at the neverending reflection between two mirrors. I think I just blew my own my mind. To quote Keanu Reeves, "Whoa."

Why-oh-why didn't I take the blue pill?)

Good ruck on the studies, Quagmyron.

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Jennifer Hensel said...

Yes indeed, reducing your life to "the list" is better than no blog life at all:
1. I believe I have outdrunk the Big Nasty... or was that N.A. I was drinking?
2. I believe you should challenge Dr. Shock by giving yourself a hickey on your arm and asking him if he knows from what dermatological disease you suffer.
3. I believe it is good to have you back on the Weak Bladder Blues.

Ciao my friend - Jenn


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